Science is an exciting subject, SVT course - Secondary II

Exploring, discovering, analyzing... Science is an exciting subject.
Sharing the enthusiasm of knowledge, arousing a taste for curiosity and cultivating a scientific approach, such is the vocation of the Life and Earth Sciences courses taught at school.

Through Mrs. Della Guardia's SVT class, the 13th grade students put on their lab coats to learn about dissection. Here, a session during which the objective was to discover the anatomical links existing between the sensory organs which perceive our environment, the integrating center of information which is the brain and the effector organs which are the muscles. The goal was to understand the functioning of the control of voluntary movement (functioning of the nervous and muscular systems).


The teaching of Life and Earth Sciences has several vocations:

  • To be in line with the Waldorf program by emphasizing experimental practice and modeling activities and by proposing a concrete approach to the concepts and phenomena studied.
  • Develop the methods of scientific reasoning and ensure the acquisition of a scientific culture based on the fundamental concepts of biology and geology,
  • To develop critical thinking and scientific knowledge in order to understand the current world and its evolution in the context of major contemporary issues,
  • To develop experimental skills and mastery of the technical gestures of scientific laboratoriesgiving access to further study in the field of science, research and medicine in general.


The fields concerned by a post-baccalaureate specialization in life sciences are numerous: scientific research, health and medicine, biotechnology, genetics, agri-food, environment and new technologies, climatology, geology, neuroscience, ecology...

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