Our school
An exceptional setting
United States, China, Australia, Brazil, India, Mexico, Egypt... With approximately 1200 schools and 2000 kindergartens worldwide, including 30 schools and 50 kindergartens in Switzerland, the Steiner-Waldorf schools welcome more than 250'000 students around the globe. The schools are present in 70 countries.
Founded in 1980, the Rudolf Steiner School of Geneva has 350 students and 70 employees (60 teachers, 10 administrative and technical staff members). From their first steps to the end of High school (with the possibility of preparing for the French Baccalaureate), the school welcomes your children from age 2 to 19.
Green spaces, gardens, vegetable gardens, natural materials, view of the Salève, play areas, science room, organic cafeteria... The school offers a natural setting, quality infrastructures and an exceptional school environment.
In 2021, the second floor of the school was nominated for the Lignum Prize. This award recognizes the quality, originality and innovative use of wood in construction, interior design and artwork. Modern classrooms with a warm atmosphere for the well-being of our students.
Associated with UNESCO and certified Confidentia Quality, the school is in line with the UN policy on children and youth: "Every child in the world has the right to grow up healthy and safe, to develop his or her potential, to be listened to and taken seriously." Convention on the Rights of the Child - UN
Doing, playing, researching, reflecting, studying, imagining, creating, dreaming ... Steiner-Waldorf pedagogy develops a global and specific approach because it considers that "each child is unique". It aims to develop the intellectual, artistic, social and manual faculties of each child.

Academic courses
Writing, reading, arithmetic, French, natural sciences, history, geography...
Language courses
English, German and Spanish
Artistic activities
Music, dance, circus, theater...
Qualified teaching team
Our teams are dedicated and regularly trained
Gardens & green spaces
Wooden games
& natural materials
Solar panels
Ping pong tables
Sorting and recycling in the school. Raising children's awareness of sustainable development.
Vegetable garden
youth area
Science room
Outdoor activities
Organic cafeteria
Creative workshops
Modeling, wood carving, weaving, blacksmithing...
Basketball court
Initiation and discovery of beekeeping
School theater
A real performance hall with 370 seats in the heart of the school (equipped with different stages, dressing room, professional lighting...)
Parents are involved in all aspects of the school's life, including pedagogy and operations.
International language exchanges
smoking ban
No smoking inside or outside school: tobacco and electronic cigarettes.
& success
100% success rate at the baccalaureate of 2021, 2022 & 2023
The student of today is the citizen of tomorrow.
In order to give everyone the best chances of success but also to encourage personal development, the Steiner-Waldorf pedagogy is based on the following axes :
Stimulate the faculties, potentialities and talents of each individual
Develop autonomy, self-fulfilment, self-confidence, living together and well-being
To raise awareness of sustainable development, eco-citizenship, new technologies, heritage and the notion of responsibility.
Encourage and promote initiatives, support projects
Provide infrastructure, facilities and equipment suitable for children, youth and families
- Open up to the world, confronting ideas with others, understanding one's place in the world and in relation to others

Heart, head and hands
Knowledge, skills and know-how
According to Johann Pestalozzi's famous maxim: "Learn with your head, your heart and your hands", the school aims to stimulate the ability to think, to strengthen confidence, to encourage creativity, to have the courage to face challenges, and to reinvent the world of tomorrow.
The Steiner-Waldorf school is a complete school, it does not simply aim at the acquisition of knowledge, but the appropriation of essential faculties which will allow to live a free, rich and fulfilled life. The diversity of the proposed educational activities allows the development of three main areas:
- To know: by exercising cognitive skills: observe, question, analyze, conceptualize, formulate, solve, reason, justify, argue, debate...
- To feel: through an enthusiastic connection to one's human and natural environment : to observe, perceive, listen, express, practice the arts...
- To act: by mobilizing the will to concrete action: to move, to exercise, to create, to realize, to experiment, to undertake, tocommit...
Opening up to the world
A real human adventure that gradually leads young people to open up to the world and to others.
Trips, language exchanges, internships in companies and in the social/humanitarian field, plays, orchestras, workshops, sports challenges in nature, study of civilizations... these are some of the many experiences that students have throughout their schooling. True human adventures, they progressively allow young people to open up to themselves, to others and to the world.
We encourage exchanges, meetings and collaborations between students, between classes, with other schools or organizations. In this sense, our school, as a UNESCO Associated School, focuses on the following areas
- Human rights and democracy
- Fight against poverty
- Tolerance and peace
- Sustainable development
- Intercultural learning
- International understanding and cooperation

Respect the child's rhythm
As Claparède said: "The child is not a miniature adult", which is why it is essential to respect the rhythms of childhood and all its specificities.
The respect of the child's own rhythms, the alternation between concentration and relaxation, of static and moving phases, is essential for his or her development. Thisnotion of rhythmtherefore occupies a central place in our pedagogy.
Tasting, feeling, sharing, playing, resting... are all proposals that, without any time constraint, promote their well-being and expand their experience and therefore their knowledge of the world.
This time management develops concentration, memorization and attention, in a serene atmosphere. It promotes the ability to learn, study and reflect.
Learning to live together
Individuality and community grow together in a collaborative pedagogy
"Know thyself", the motto inscribed on the pediment of the temple of Delphi, is fundamental for human thought but also, of course, for education.
School is indeed the place where we learn to know each other and to live together in society.
By welcoming each child as a unique individual, the school promotes a "everyone for everyone" where individuality and community grow together in a collaborative pedagogy.
Being attentive to others, showing empathy and benevolence... The school cultivates these qualities necessary for life in society.
It is through contact with others and with others that we build ourselves, that we discover our singularities and that we build together the world of today... and tomorrow.

Parents involved in the school
As co-actors in education and partners in the operation of the school, parents are involved in many aspects of school life.
The trust between parents and teachers allows us to build a fulfilling school environment around the child.
That's why it is important to us to accompany each family and to create a genuine relationship based on mutual trust.
In order to create a time to talk, share and exchange with parents as well as a community of view on the school's pedagogy, theschool regularly organizes events, open days, pedagogical evenings, training sessions, thematic workshops, individual meetings with teachers...
Active members of the association, parents also play a central role in the school's operations: parent cafeteria, bookstore, participation in events that punctuate the school year. They have their own space in the school and are represented by class representatives as well as by "parent referents" who regularly exchange with the school administration.
Through an innovative, participative and transversal governance, the school aims to create and strengthen the links between all the actors and members of the school: families, teachers, and all the teams of the establishment, up to the speakers and external companies.
Organic cafeteria
With fresh, organic and local products, the school cafeteria offers quality meals and balanced menus.
By discovering and participating in the school gardens, the children have a unique experience. They are involved in the process: planting, growing, harvesting, cooking and baking.
Founded in 1980, the Rudolf Steiner School is a UNESCO Associated School. It is a member of the Geneva Association of Private Schools (AGEP), the Swiss Federation of Private Schools (FSEP) and has been certified Confidentia Quality since 2006. In 2009, the Nature & Economy Foundation awarded it a quality label for its natural facilities.
In 2021, the second floor of the school was nominated for the Lignum Prize. The Lignum Award recognizes quality, originality and innovation in the use of wood in construction and interior design.
member of the AGEP

Swiss Federation of Private Schools FSEP

Nominated for the Lignum Award

Quality label for natural facilities

Certified Confidentia Quality
Because creative activities promote learning, sociability, memory, concentration, imagination, skill and well-being, the school offers numerous manual, artistic and recreational workshops as part of the curriculum.
In order to encourage development, living together and a "joyful sociability", the school organizes events throughout the year: Christmas market, school outings, spring festival, the carnival, shows...
Presentation of the school
Discover the video presentation of the Rudolf Steiner School.

2 to 6 years old
Up to 2P
What could be more beautiful than to see a child marvelling and awakening to life. With sparkling eyes, they discover, step by step, the world. Through games, discoveries, workshops... and a pedagogy centered on imitation, the children are led to develop mobility, motor skills, language, cognitive faculties and sociability.

6 to 12 years old
3P to 8P
There is nothing more beautiful than to offer our children "roots and wings".
Accompanied by the same main teacher for 6 years, the subjects are taught in accordance with the natural rhythm of the child's development.

Middle School
12 to 15 years old
In the manner of Johann Pestalozzi's famous maxim: " Learn with your head, your heart and your hands ", the school accompanies the students in their pre-adolescence. Classes, outings, artistic activities... The pedagogical approach is global, human and open to the world.

High School
15 to 19 years old
To make the eyes of the young shine, to transmit quality knowledge, to develop their creativity, to create spaces favourable to their blooming such are the objectives of the school. It aims to develop intellectual, artistic, social and manual faculties.

First steps
0 to 3 years
In a warm and soft cocoon, we welcome children aged 0 to 3 years old accompanied by their parents, grandparents or nannies to share playful, creative and... joyful activities!
First Steps is an opportunity for parents to discover the school and to share beautiful moments

Reception garden
3 to 6 years old
Every afternoon (except on Wednesdays), we welcome your little ones to the reception garden.
Free play, nursery rhymes, finger plays, bread making, snacks, rounds, outdoor games... A whole world of gentleness to develop fine motor skills, sensoriality, sociability, self-confidence and well-being.

Circus, homework help, artistic activities... Our school, which aims to be "the school that makes students love school", opens its doors outside of school hours.
The school, its partners, teachers, parents and caregivers offer many extracurricular activities.

Adult activities
The older children will also find many activities in our school : music practice, eurythmy, art therapy training, creative workshops...
Discover all our activities for adults in a world of sharing, exchange and good humor!
Geneva Rudolf Steiner School
Chemin de Narly, 2
1232 Confignon, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 727 04 44
The secretary's office is open on:
-- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
From 8:00am to 3:45pm
-- Wednesday from 8:00 am to 1:00pm
Come easily to our school
15 minutes from downtown Geneva
1 min from the Bernex exit of the A1 freeway (Geneva bypass)
1 min from the tram/bus stop : Croisée de Confignon
Easy access from Switzerland and neighbouring France
Line 14
Stop : Croisée Confignon
Bus 42, 47, K, L and S
Stop : Croisée Confignon
The school has a drop-off point
School parking
7:30am to 9am - 4:30pm to 6:30pm
Other parking lots
Chemin de Chaumont (7 min walk - 4h parking time), Chemin de Carabot (3 min walk - 1h), Chemin de Cressy (5 min walk - 1h)
Long-term parking
P+R Bernex (5 min walk): Paying from Monday to Friday 7am-5pm - Free on weekends, evenings & nights (5pm-7am) and public holidays
Parking lots are available for motorcycles and bicycles