Visit to the Veytaux Hydroelectric Power Plant - 11th class

Located on the shores of Lake Geneva, the Veytaux hydroelectric power plant can generate and store energy by pumping water from the lake to the Hongrin reservoir at an altitude of 1250m.

As part of their physics class, the students were able to visit and learn about the operation of this power plant. Throughout their curriculum, students study electricity both theoretically and practically.

In theory, they studied static electricity, electromagnetism, direct and alternating current. They also studied electrical machines: motors, generators and transformers.

On a practical level, the students built small motors and generators. The visit to the Veytaux power plant was a wonderful opportunity to discover all these machines, their functioning and to better understand electrical phenomena.

Functioning, construction, details of the operations... A big thank you to Mr. Weiss who guided us during the visit. His passion was communicative! Our thanks also to Alpiq for having proposed us this very interesting visit.

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